Kelowna Zoom Teeth Whitening

In less than 2 hours of therapy you'll be pleasantly amazed with the outcomes of ZOOM In-Office! By means of a mixture of photosensitive bleaching gels and specifically created ultraviolet lamps, ZOOM In-Office! bleaching works to skillfully whiten your teeth. Discoloration caused over several years may be easily eliminated with this treatment method. Specific routines that cause staining such as ingesting coffee, tea, red wine, as well as smoking and chewing tobacco, and consuming certain pasta sauces and curries are no match for ZOOM whitening. Additionally, this treatment alternative has been proven safe and quite effective and persists for a considerable amount of time. A brighter, whiter smile can improve your self confidence and self image and generate memorable impressions on people.

Meticulous dental cleanliness activities like daily flossing and twice daily brushing in combination with regular oral health cleanings, are suggested to assist you in keeping your brand new smile as vivid as possible. Outcomes will ultimately differ yet as many as eight shades whiter may be achieved in just one visit.

Take-home advanced whitening kits will include custom-made dental whitening trays made specially to fit your teeth. Directions for home use along with syringes and the whitening gel will also be added to the kit. The oral trays loaded will bleaching gel might be used between thirty minutes to four hours each day and night for about two weeks. The whitening gel functions by seeping into the tooth enamel pores and fosters a reaction that has the power to break and loosen the stains that have induced the discolouration. About an average of six shades whiter can be expected when utilizing this treatment technique over the duration of seven-fourteen days of time.