
Bite Splints Kelowna

There is a substantial percentage of the populace that at some point in their natural life, will develop a teeth clenching or grinding habit and a good number will never have the ability to identify it until their dental clinician identifies it or a loved one identifies it first.

Clenching is identified as a disorder concerning the coming together of the teeth for long periods, resulting in head aches, muscle weakness, and occasionally minimal wear and tear of the enamel on the back molars. Teeth clenching might crop up at any stage in the day or night and could accompany increased tension levels for the sufferer.

The grinding of teeth, referred to as bruxism, quite often occurs during the night when the patient is sleeping. Generally, the sounds created by the grinding will go unobserved by the grinder, yet will be evident to other people. Teeth grinding has a tendency to produce an outcome of moderate to serious wear on the enamel of the teeth, in addition to chipping or cracking of the teeth. Both issues can trigger a decline of the gum tissues and subsequent bone loss, which then exposes the delicate tooth roots and may lead to required oral health treatments.

Continual long term teeth clenching or grinding might bring about pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), it can reduce movement in the joints, can produce joint sounds similar to popping and clicking, particularly after opening your mouth wide or when eating, might trigger attrition of the surface bones within the joint space that might trigger osteoarthritis and muscle spasms if left untreated. The most used method for treating temporomandibular issues is to create a custom-fitted bite splint which could either be worn exclusively at night or during the daytime as well. Bite splints help to evenly spread the forces and weight of bruxism over all of the sufferers molars halting a decline of the periodontal tissues. Additionally, bite splints can prevent damage occurring to the teeth around the joints, while also alleviating painful symptoms like muscle spasms, joint noises, tooth pain, and muscle spasms.
